Tauranga Yoga
Posted 5 years, 8 months ago 0 comments
Due to unforeseen circumstances TYC committee wish to advise that the 5:30 pm General class is cancelled tonight. The 7.30pm beginner class will be held.
Namaste TYC committee
please remember -that if you are reciveing this email and you have not yet regesterd via the TYC website -you will need to do so for Term 3. Becasue after 7 July this database will no longer be used-go to
Registrations for Term 3 will be open from 1 July,
Posted 5 years, 9 months ago 0 comments
Thanks very much to all of those who have already registered as TYC members via the website. You should now have your 3 digit member number.
We really need ALL students attending classes at TYC to register and pay via the website (you can bring cash to pay @ TYC AFTER completing the online rego process)
From 8th of July this database will no longer be used.This means those not correctly registered will no longer receive any emails on activites and events happening at TYC.
If you do not have and/or use a computer -or dont have anyone who can assist you -then we can do this for you at TYC.
If you have already paid via direct online banking you still need to register via the website in order to obtain your 3 x digit member no: When you get to payment options just choose online. We can see both the online payment and the registration once it's done -match them up and mark them as complete.
Please see the attached form to help you regsiter
new_member (4) website.pdf
Posted 5 years, 9 months ago 0 comments
Yin Restore.
Saturday 8 June
1. to 3.30pm
A yin practice allows you time to enquire and learn about your body/mind interactions while you remain quiet and utilise your breath consciously.
In this workshop we will continue to learn to inhabit our bodies and to restore the mind body balance.
Cost =$35
To register please email: fureys@kinect.co.nz: or call 0223503891
Please pay online to Acc no: 38-9004-0840024 00
Yoga is the practice of quieting the mind. “Patanjali’
Posted 5 years, 11 months ago 0 comments
Mollies classes at 5.30 and 7.30pm will be held.
All other classes are cancelled.
TYC Committee
Posted 5 years, 11 months ago 0 comments

“Yoga is a light, which once lit, will never dim. The better your practice, the brighter the flame.” B.K.S. Iyengar"
A yin workshop
with Sue Furey
1.to 3.30pm
COST : $35
A yin practice allows you time to enquire and learn about your body/mind interactions while you remain quiet and utilise your breath consciously. In this workshop we will continue to explore the interaction of flexibility and stability.
To register please email: fureys@kinect.co.nz: or call 0223503891
Please pay online to Acc no: 38-9004-0840024 00
Posted 5 years, 11 months ago 0 comments
A team will be available today 2:30-to 3:30pm to assist you to register for TYC membership -and to show you the payment options.
If you want to beat the queues and learn how to set your membership up online we can assist you . Once an account is set up and all your information is entered -the system will store your personal information but not your payment details . You can choose to pay today or pay closer to 15th.
When you come to your first class in term 2 -all you will need to do is show the teacher your order and ID no and then enter it into the daily class sheets. No waiting for a receipt to be written out -no having to write your details up in the memberships sheets.
If you want to do this for yourself now--go to the Tauranga Yoga Centre website and from the top bar -and go into MEMBERSHIPS -follow the instructions to set up your account .(Once you have set this up when ever you want to go back in you can just go to MY ACCOUNT)
Posted 5 years, 11 months ago 0 comments
Good Friday -only the Astanga class at 5:30pm will be on.
Saturday & Sunday all classes will be on as per usual.
Easter Monday -there will be NO classes held.
TYC Commitee
Posted 5 years, 11 months ago 0 comments
TYC's website will be changing soon to allow you to register your details and pay online via direct debit OR with your credit or debit card.
We will be sending out information to make this process as easy as possible once the programme is up and running.
We will also be available at the centre to assist you to register and pay before Term 2 begins, if you are unsure of how to do it at home, on Tuesday 2nd and 3rd April and Tuesday 9th and Wed 10th April from 2.30 to 3.3,pm .
TYC Committee
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