Posted 5 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Another year of yoga begins at TYC on Monday 21 January and a reminder that the term fee is now $100 for a 12 x week term and that Curly's Wednesday night class will be returning to a 7:15pm start time. 

Two exciting workshops are coming up:

  • If you want to deepen your practice and understanding of yoga in 2019 then take advantage of the wisdom and experience of these teachers .
  • We will be hosting Lynda Purivs and Gerry Chambers, two senior Iyengar yoga teachers from the UK from Friday 15th to Sunday 17th March. Cost is $200 for the 10hr workshop. 
  • And Rosie Holland is returning in May from 17th to 19th this will also be a 10 hr workshop for $200.  
  • Registrations for the MARCH workshop are open now and numbers are limited.To register email: info@taurangayoga.org.nz or call 0223503891    



Merry Xmas and a very happy New Year

Posted 5 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

To all TYC members and casual attendees, 
to our awesome teachers, 
to our wise Executive Committee, 
and to the many people who have
helped out and/or volunteered at TYC during the year - 
Thank you ALL for your commitment and care,  
and for being part of the TYC family for the love of yoga. 
May you and your family be happy and blessed –
not just at Christmas, but throughout the year! 
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year! 

Namaste from TYC Committee


Cleaning bee on 16th Dec. Can you spare and hour between 10.45 &1pm .

Posted 5 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

  •    TYC is closing on Sunday 16th & we always finish the year with a spruce up inside & out.· 
  • Starting at approximately 10.40am-after class (Mollie is teaching). All members are welcome! 
  • Please bring gardening tools if you like to work outside or cleaning equipment such as buckets, gloves to clean inside. Cleaning products are provided.
  • Many hands make light work    

Namaste TYC Committee

Just 3 days until the last YIN workshop for 2018. Saturday 15 December

Posted 5 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Last Yin workshop for 2018

Sat 15th December

1 to 3.30pm

Cost $35

Breathe & Stretch; Relax & Restore

  • Increase circulation
  • Releases fascia (connective tissue) . Increases your'self' awareness about body and mind interactions . 
  • A yin practice affords you the time to really explore and feel the asana and their effect on the mind, body and breathe.
  • We will also explore some deep restorative poses

To register please email: fureys@kinect.co.nz

Pre pay to account no: 38-9004-0840024-00

'Yoga is a light, which once lit, will never dim. The better your practice, the brighter the flame." B.K.S. Iyengar"



yin dec 18.pdf

TYC New Year Classes

Posted 5 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

TYC is holding a few classes during the New Year between the 7th & 18th of January 2019
Each class will cost $10 per person and all proceeds will go towards the TYC Development Fund
Have a joy filled Xmas and New Year 
Please see the attached file for the timetable 



TYC new year timetable.pdf

Have you left your mat at TYC?

Posted 5 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Storage space at TYC is very limited and at the cleaning bee we will be doing a cull of the mats for hire and of those left behind. Over the year mats get forgotten, abandoned and/or get left in the toilets. So please check where yours is-we can not take responsibility for it.

TYC committee 


But wait More TYC News ......

Posted 5 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

  • Committee drew the props raffle on 20/122/18 and the very happy winner was Sue Warren and the raffle raised over $400 which will be added to the 'TYC upgrade fund.'
  • A huge ‘thank you’ from TYC Committee for all of the people who volunteered to assist us with the planning process involved in the upgrade project. The response from our members was truly heart-warming and their offers of assistance invaluable.
  • We had offers from 2 architects; 2 structural  engineers; 1 civil engineer; an electrician and a plumber 
  • What we still require is a planner; a fire engineer and a project manager. 
  • There was no class on the roster for Sunday morning 16/12/18 (before the cleaning bee). The good news is:-there will be a class. 

Namaste TYC committee




Curly's workshop is now FULL..

Posted 5 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

'Curly's Workshop'
Saturday November 17th


