But wait More TYC News ......

Posted 5 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

  • Committee drew the props raffle on 20/122/18 and the very happy winner was Sue Warren and the raffle raised over $400 which will be added to the 'TYC upgrade fund.'
  • A huge ‘thank you’ from TYC Committee for all of the people who volunteered to assist us with the planning process involved in the upgrade project. The response from our members was truly heart-warming and their offers of assistance invaluable.
  • We had offers from 2 architects; 2 structural  engineers; 1 civil engineer; an electrician and a plumber 
  • What we still require is a planner; a fire engineer and a project manager. 
  • There was no class on the roster for Sunday morning 16/12/18 (before the cleaning bee). The good news is:-there will be a class. 

Namaste TYC committee




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