International Peace Day

Posted 15 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Hello Everybody.


PLease note that this event has been re scheduled to start at 11am and finish at 1pm  (Sunday 20th)



To celebrate the UN international Peace Day the TYC is joining hundreds of Yoga centres around the world with a day of Yoga.

The session will involve 108 Sun Salutes / relaxation and meditation.

Entry is by donation and proceeds go to the Peace Foundation.

Sunday 20th Sept  /  11 am - 1 pm

Tutors Jaap Spaans and Lesley Macalister

See the Tauranga Yoga Website for all details.



Meditation workshop " The Art of "Just Sitting"

Posted 15 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Hello Everybody,


Just a note to remind you that the Meditation Workshop "The Art of Just Sitting"  will be held on Saturday 5th September.

This workshop is being offered by Seikan a Buddhist monk in the Japanese Zen tradition. It looks like a great day. Seikan brings extensive experience as a therapist, clinician, acupuncturist and group facilitator.

He is also offering a free public talk on Friday 4th Sept at 7:30 pm.


Please see the TYC website for all details and call Liz Stilwell on 07 577 6388 to register.




TYC Committee.

