Please note some classes are cancelled at TYC from Friday 26th

Posted 7 years, 7 months ago    0 comments



To facilitate holding the 10 hr Rosie Holland Workshop-the following classes will NOT be on:


Friday May 26th ;        5.30pm Astanga

Saturday May 27th;    9.15am Beginners

Sunday May 28th;       9.00am General

Thank you; Namaste TYC committee    

Thank you 


TYC committee

Just 3 days until the next Yin Yoga Workshop @ TYC

Posted 7 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

 Yin Workshops @ TYC 

Sue Furey

 Saturday May 6th-1.00 to 3.30 pm

Cost: $30 per class 

Yin yoga can assist you to open up & breathe well as you deepen into some of the areas in the body that feel consistently ‘tight and stuck’.

Because Yin poses are primarily static & held for longer periods than asana in a normal hatha yoga class, you can really feel the stretch & sensations that arise & YOU can learn to  control how deeply you go into the sensation of that stretch.

 (Fasciae are similar to ligaments and tendons in as much as they have collagen as their major component. However they differ in their location and function; ligaments join one bone to another bone, tendons join muscle & fasciae surround muscles or other structures.)

If you have any  queries or want to resigter email Sue:

For online payment Account no is: 38-9004-0840024-00- or pay on the day


Due to weather BOTH Thursday evening classes are cancelled

Posted 7 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

NO classes at TYC tonight





Easter Classes at TYC

Posted 7 years, 8 months ago    0 comments


Good Friday -14/4/17- NO CLASSES

Easter Saturday -15/4/27 –CLASSES ARE ON

Easter Sunday- 16/4/17- CLASSES ARE ON

Easter Monday- 17/4/17-NO CLASSES

Namaste -TYC Committee

TYC TERM & CASUAL CLASS FEE INCREASE:-Effective from 10 April 2017

Posted 7 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

TYC Term & Casual Fee INCREASE effective from 10 April to December 17, 2017 

At the TYC AGM 29/3/17-the  following fee increases were approved.  

The Term Two fee is $80 per 12 x week term
The Casual class fee is $15 per class
Namaste TYC Committee



2017 AGM - NEXT WEDNESDAY March 29th at 7.15pm

Posted 7 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

Wednesday March 29th 2017, at 7.15pm.
Agenda Items
1. Welcome Curly West
2. Apologies Brigid Macalister
3. Minutes of the previous meeting Brigid Macalister
4. Matters Arising Brigid Macalister
Correspondence in Sue Furey
6. Correspondence out Sue Furey
7. Financial Report Louise Thompson &
Sue Furey
8. President’s Report Curly West
9. Election of TYC Committee Officers Curly West
10. Newly elected TYC Committee Members Curly West
11. Existing TYC Committee Members Returning
Curly West
12. TYC Executive Members Curly West
13. Membership fees and wages
Sue Furey & Louise
14. TYC Survey Monkey report Duncan Catanach
& Pic Robertshawe
14. General business All
All members welcome and refreshments will be served

Please find the 2017 AGM agenda attached 

NB. Due to the AGM being held on 29/3/17, Curlys 7.15pm class will NOT be held. 

2017 AGM agenda -1- (1).pdf
If  you are interested in becoming a committee member and have any questions about the role or process please email:- or call 022 350 3891 



TYC Committee


2017 AGM agenda -1- (1).pdf

Lance Schler Impromptu Workshop 28 January 3.15- 5.30pm

Posted 7 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Lance Shuler will be doing an impromptu workshop at TYC on SATURDAY 28 January. 

Time:3.15 to 5.30pm

Cost: $40  

No need to book just pay online to TYC -L.Sch

38 9004 0616591 00

or pay cash on the day.


TYC Committee



Thanks very much to all those who helped with the spruce up for TYC on 18/12/16

Posted 8 years ago    0 comments

Thankyou very much to all those who came to help on the day, and to those who took blankets, bolster covers and other props home to wash.

It was a great turnout and the centre had a real spruce up . By the time we return in the New Year -there will be also be new vanities, clean carpet, serviced heatpumps -the walls re-painted and there will be a uni-sex toilet!. 

Have a wonderful Xmas and a joy-filled 2017.



TYC Committee 

