There are now 32 Books missing from TYC Library!!!

Posted 8 years ago    0 comments

Our Librarian reported with great dismay that there are now 32 books missing from the TYC Library!

Could you please check your bookcase and/or under the bed to see if you have any TYC books  that you may have forgotten you borrowed from and return them by this Sunday. 

We love to have these books available to share with TYC members, but each year the number of books dwindles because  many  'go west' never to be seen again. PLEASE CHECK !!

Some of these books were gifted to TYC by past members and some purchased.

Thank you 




TYC librarian

Two December Dates at TYC to Remember: December 10th & 18th -2106

Posted 8 years ago    0 comments

  TYC Committee invite all members and teachers to gather together at the centre to share a Xmas pot luck lunch on-

 Saturday December 10th

Please bring along some vegetarian fare to share. 

TYC will provide refreshments and nibbles.  

Time : Arrive from 11 onwards -to share lunch at 12.00pmish- 


18th December -TYC Committee and members are invited to assit with the annual 'clean and spruce up' at our centre

Time 10.45am 

Please bring along some cleaning equipment (buckets & gloves) and/or gardening tools.

Many hands make light work!!


TYC Committee




tyc Xmas and New Year Timetable 2016/7

Posted 8 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

A few classes will be held at TYC after 18/12/16 and before Term 1 begins on 16th January 2017.

Cost per class =$10 (all proceeds of these classes will go towards assisting the people of Kaikoura)  

Please note alteration to the time of General Class on Thurs 12 January. Its 11.45am to 1.15 pm( not 12.15) 

Please see the attached flier for all details. This document is also available on and there are some printed time-tables at TYC.


TYC committee


xmas and NYs timetable 2016.7.1.pdf

Yin Yoga Workshop --Nov 5th 2016 -1 to.3.30pm

Posted 8 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

There are still a few spaces available if you would like to try a Yin class

When we feel stiff and inflexible, we often assume that what is restricting us is our muscles: they have become short and stiff.  Sometimes this is true, but often the cause of lack of mobility is found in our connective tissues-the fascia & Yin is a great way to deleve in deep --to discover where this may be happening in your major joints.

Yoga in general is a great way to keep ALL the body and the  mind flexible  .

Saturday 5 November

Time: 1-3.30pm

Cost:  $25

Suitable for beginner and more advanced students 

Please see flier for registration details 

Yin x 2 w.shps oct nov.pdf

Labour Weekend classes -October 2016.

Posted 8 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

Saturday and Sunday classes will be- as per usual

 The ONLY  classes on Labour Day -Monday 24/10/16 will be:

Curly's General @ 5.30pm 

Duncan Beginner Iyengar @ 7.15pm



TYC committee

TYC Spring Clean

Posted 8 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

TYC committee carried out a spring clean today and the centre definitely looks a bit tidier now.

Please note that the mats that were still being stored above the fridge in the kitchen -are now on the shelf in the mens rest room. If you can not find your mat -it may be there. If one of these is your mat -please take it home.

Those mats that remain by November will go into a pile of mats available to purchase for a $10 donation  

 The storage unit that was on the kitchen bench is now in the ladies Please leave ALL belongings -in the rest rooms and not on the kitchen bench or Teachers desk .OR leave in your car.


Many thanks for your co-operation 


TYC committee


Curly's In Depth Class will NOT be held this Month: 9/2016

Posted 8 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

The detail and content of Curly's next Workshop will be advised soon


Thanks very much


SPRING 'YIN YOGA' workshop @TYC: 3 September 1.00 to 4.00pm

Posted 8 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Only 3 days to go !

Spring Yin Yoga workshop!

Join Sue Furey -treat yourself and re-energise the body/mind:

Saturday 3rd September -1.00 to 4.00pm for just $25

Suitable for Yogis of all levels. People are finding Yin is great if you have a recent or long term injury. 

Yin is designed to help you to find, explore & sit in the quiet, cool depth of each asana (tha) -not to force or strive -just to be

You use the breath alone to release the deep connective tissue layers within your body. You will feel calmer & yin can help to unlock areas in the body/mind that may feel stuck.

Please see the attached flier for more information and registration details . If you wish to pay online
Its  $25 to 38 9004 0840024 00 (yin)
YIN.SUE.sept16 (1).pdf
