Class Cancellation Notice: 9am class -Sunday 26th November

Posted 7 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Please Note:

Due to the Rosie Holland workshop being held on this date 
The 9am class on Sunday 26thNovember -will NOT be held.

Thanks very much 
TYC Committee

Roadworks over weekend and next week -could affect getting to classes at TYC -please plan ahead

Posted 7 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Road warning for Tauranga


Click on this link for full story:

The work is expected to be carried out from 7pm until 6am Sunday , Monday and Tuesday nights, weather permitting.

Elizabeth Street will be closed between Cameron Road and Takitimu Drive during this time. Detours will be in place and people should take extra care.



BUT WAIT there's more TYC news!.

Posted 7 years, 3 months ago    0 comments


The raffle was drawn at the TYC committee meeting on 20th November the lucky winner is Sue Warren. Congratulations Sue -enjoy these props for your home practice. 

We raised approximately $440 from ths raffle -the proceeds of which -are going towards the TYC upgrade project.

A big thankyou from TYC Committee for all of the people who volunteered to assist us with the planning proccess involved in the upgrade project. The response from our members was truely heartwarming and their offers of assistance invaluable. Thank you very much 

We had offers of assistence from 2 achitects; 2 structural engineers; 1 civil engineer; an electrician and a plumber     


Sue for TYC Committee

Just 3 days to go and a few spaces are left for Christine's Workshop on 23/9/17

Posted 7 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Just 3 days to go!

Workshop with Christine Terry
@ Tauranga Yoga Centre

 Saturday 23 September, 2-5pm

 Cost: $35

Ever feel your body and mind open to a place that could keep you on your mat longer – and then class ends?

 Let’s take advantage of that with a yoga practice that thoughtfully connects breath with movement, building onto poses to explore new possibilities.

To register email :

Any other questions, please contact Christine:


Christine Terry 23 September 2017 Workshop (2).pdf

Spring 'YIN YOGA' workshop: A few spots left for 9 September 1-3.30pm-

Posted 7 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Lets bring some 'Spring' & ease into our practice & increase the energy levels.  

Just 5 places left for Saturday 9th  September: 1-3.30pm
Cost:  $35 

In this workshop we will play a little & explore taking some poses from a 'Yin' approach to a 'Yang' process
This =Balance ='Hatha Yoga" 

By altering the way you approach a pose –you can improve the range of motion & your awareness of your body in any pose. 

Yoga is not about perfection. It’s about coming to the mat one day at a time to learn more about yourself & train the mind to focus-& to enjoy the journey  

 To register or if you have questions please Contact Sue on:-

If paying on-line -please pay to :38 9004 0840024 00 






Sue Furey Spring Time Workshop September 2017.1.pdf

Class Cancellation Notice: Sunday,3rd September-9am class

Posted 7 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Please note; that due to the Jackie Kesby workshop being held on this date0-

(Sunday 3-September)-there will be NO 9am class.


Thank you 
TYC committee

Just one week till Jackie Kesbys' workshop. There are just 5 spots left !

Posted 7 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

Make the most of this golden opportunity to experience a workshop with a very experieinced Yoga teacher from Hamilton.

Sunday 3 September; This workshop will be very suitable for beginners as well as more advanced students. 

Workshop Times : 

Morning session: 9.30am to 12.30 pm
Lunch: 12.30 to 1.40pm 
Afternoon session: 1.45 to 3.45 pm

Please note-students are expected to attend morning and afternoon sessions

 Please register & pre-pay to ensure you reserve your spot, as numbers will be limited .

To register & if you have any questions please email Sue on :


jackie k w.shop3.9.17.pdf

Want some Yoga Props? TYC 'props' raffle begins this week. Bring your spare change along!

Posted 7 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

TYC committee have agreed on the proceeds of this years raffle going to our neighbours -the Tauranga Moana Nightshelter. 

The Raffle will consist of yoga props to assist you with your home practice.

Cost of tickets= $2 each or 3 for $5.

As well as the proceeds of the raffle going to the Nightshelter, committee want to give a box of non- perishable foodstuffs. So if you can spare it, please bring along a non perishable food item or two to add.

Since 2014 the Nighshelter has given food, shelter and care to 335 men. They have assited 40 men per year into other housing after their initial stay .The age range of the men is 18-70.

As well as the basic necessities of life and a place to call 'home' where folk believe in them-the staff at the shelter give the men love and encouragement.  In this 'safe' environment many of the men then feel they are able to embrace change, take up offers of helping agencies and move on into new accomodation. Since 2014 the Nighthelter staff have assisted 40 men per year into other housing . This task  however is getting more challenging with the ever increasing cost of rentals and shortage of social housing. There are currenly 6 men in desperate need of housing.  

Thank you TYC Committee


