Anniversary Day Yoga Classes

Posted 12 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Hello everyone,

Just a reminder that Curly's 5:45pm class will be on this evening however Jaap's 7:30pm class is not on tonight.

We will update about next Monday's classes shortly as next Monday is Waitangi Day.

Best regards,

Tauranga Yoga Centre

New to Yoga?

Posted 12 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

New to Yoga?

Tauranga Yoga Centre has a Beginners Introduction class starting in 2012 on Monday nights from 7:30pm to 9:00pm, starting on January 16th.

The intention of this course is to allow new students to explore their first steps on their yoga journey.

This course will allow more depth in practice to those with some experience with yoga.

During the 12 weeks term we will cover Asana (yoga posture) practice with attention to safety and personal growth for the student.

Basic Pranayama (breathing) techniques will be explained and practiced as well as their benefits and purpose in yoga Asana practice.

During each class there will be time set for discussion, explanation, yoga history and feedback.

I would like to encourage students to be present for the whole 12 weeks of the term, so we can grow, learn and practice together as a team.

I sincerely hope you can take this challenge with me,


New Yoga Term Starting!

Posted 12 years, 11 months ago    1 comment

Hi everyone,

Just a reminder that the 2012 yoga year starts this Monday the 16th of January.

Please arrive a little earlier to your first class to complete registration.  Fees have remained the same this year so $10 per class for casuals or $65 for a term of unlimited classes.

We look forward to seeing you all back soon,

Tauranga Yoga Committee

Library & Working Bee

Posted 13 years ago    1 comment

Working Bee Saturday 17 December 11.00am - 1.00 pm

We would love to see you at our End of Year Working Bee at the Tauranga Yoga Centre on Saturday. Please bring along your favourite cleaning and gardening tools so we can spruce up the centre for the New Year. All help is much appreciated, thank you.

Library books - please checkout our list of missing library books. If you have any of them tucked away at the back of your bookshelf, we would love you to return them please.

21Yoga Week by Week

65At the Master’s Feet

94Yoga and Meditation

     96Bhagavad – gitaAs it Is

     99 Light onYoga - BKS Iyengar

118Holistic Health and Living Yoga

     121The Bhagavad Gita

127Yoga the Iyengar way

135Relax and Renew - Judith Lasater

137Relax and Renew - Judith Lasater

     140The Spirit of Practice of Moving into Stillness

143The Runner’s Yoga Book

     144Inner Beauty, Inner Light Yoga for Pregnant Women

146Essential Exercises for the Childbearing Years

     148Yoga for Common Ailments

149The Ayurvedic Cookbook

150Ayurvedic Cooking for Self Healing

      151Yoga over 50

154Yoga Mind Body and Spirit – Donna Farhi

165Like a Fish in Water - Yoga for Children 5 Years and Over


168Petals of Grace

177The Road Within

     184Yoga The Spirit and Practice of Moving into Stillness

187The Ending of Time

188Yoga the Iyengar Way

     191The Art of Yoga

     193  Iyengar International Women’s Intensive Notes

198Yoga by Cheryl Issacson

Thank you everyone who returned books after the last request. It would be great to get some back again this time so please check that you don’t have any tucked away at home. Please remember to write your name in the check out book if you are taking out a book.

108 Sunsalutations

Posted 13 years ago    0 comments

108 Sunsalutations

(surya namaskara)

with  Jaap Spaans

Day: Saturday December 3rd

Time: 11am-1pm

Venue: Tauranga Yoga Centre

Cost: $10.00 per person



Preparation and Safety

108 Salutes

Restorative poses



Info and bookings:

543-4430 or





Annual General Meeting

Posted 13 years ago    0 comments

A reminder that our Annual General Meeting will be held at

Tauranga Yoga Centre

173 Elizabeth Street West

Monday 28 November @ 7.30 pm


Ther will be a brief Kirtan demonstration after the meeting and supper will be provded. We look forward to seeing you there.

Tauranga Yoga Centre Committee

Kirtan @ TYC

Posted 13 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Kirtan evening reminder

The final Kirtan evening for 2011 will be held at the yoga centre

Friday 25 November at 7.00 pm

No experience needed - just come along and share your voice and if you have experience you are welcome to bring your instruments to help lead some chants

Fee: Gold coin donation per session

Please bring a vegetarian plate to share after the session

Peter Sanson Ashtanga Workshop

Posted 13 years, 1 month ago    0 comments



Peter Sanson Ashtanga Workshop

Friday 4th  / 5:30 pm

Sat 5th   / 11 am

Sun 6th  / 9 am


All details are on the website.

Peter Sanson is a highly experienced Ashtanga teacher and this is a great opportunity for students at TYC.

The Friday class is teacher led - the Sat - Sun classes are mysore style.


For information e mail


