Next time you roll out your mat take moment to consider the effort and love that brings your yoga to life…
A BIG thank you to the members who made time to attend Monday night’s AGM. There were only just enough people (17) to meet the quorum requirements of our constitution - which is of some concern for the future of our yoga centre. Several people made their apologies, and this was also appreciated.
We currently have 395 members listed- please don’t take your beautiful community yoga centre for granted – it takes considerable effort on the part of a small team of volunteers to run our centre. Even if you haven’t the time to volunteer; your voice, your vote and your support are equally significant to the livelihood of our community.
Last year we ran a pilot programme to encourage members to take on teacher training- many of our teachers are coming up to retirement, so it’s vital we encourage new people into the role. This mentoring programme has been very positive and many of the 12 mentees involved are being supported to complete their training and have also volunteered for service on the committee.
TYC is an Incorporated Society and is wholly run by its’ members for its’ members. For 47 years the voluntary help TYC has received from its members and this is what has kept us going and thriving. Please keep this in mind for the next AGM.
There are some hard copies of the TYC Financial Performance review / Auditors report and the Chairs report available for members to take and read-at the centre. You’ll find these on the kitchen bench.
TYC committee