TYC Clean Up 10 September 10.45am. Before this date-please take your mat home.

Posted 8 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

On 10 September committee members will be having a bit of a sort out and clean-up at TYC. The intention is to have a good sort out of props and 'stuff'; to create more storage and more order.

So please make sure you take your yoga mat home. There are a lot of mats stored up above the fridge in the kitchen & some in the ladies & mens. If one of these is yours please -keep it in the car..get a carry bag for the bike or take it home! Committee can not be responsible for your yoga mat .

We need this space for TYC storage .

The number of yoga mats for hire wll also be decreased -so please do not rely on these being available as they were before-if you forget your mat.

Thanks very much


TYC committee 

YIN YOGA WORKSHOP July 30th. 1-4pm @ TYC with Di Johnston

Posted 8 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

Di is a yoga teacher and Shiatsu Practioner from Te Awamtutu. She will combine her knowledge & eperience of yoga & shaitsu during this workshop on July 30th @ TYC

Please see the attached flier for registration and other details:


Yin Yoga Workshop July 16.2.pdf

TYC raffle drawn 1/7/16

Posted 8 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

The two raffles were drawn on Friday and committee are delighted to announce the winners. Congratulations !

Raffle one: Aquila Rakoia

Raffle two: Wendy Eustice 


Thank you to all who took part. 


Tauranga Yoga Centre -2016 Winter Newsletter

Posted 8 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

Please find the Winter newsletter attached 


TYC committee


TYC Winter Newsletter 2016 Word Versionfinal.pdf

Yin Yoga Workshop @ TYC 9th July 2.-4.30pm with Sue Furey

Posted 8 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Compliment your yoga practice with a Yin workshop.
ï‚· Yin yoga is a quiet and simple practice, which encourages us to soften
and explore the sensations of the stretch/tension over a sustained period (4
to 5 mins) using the breath. We learn to be in the pose rather than striving to
achieve the pose.
ï‚· Yin yoga works deeply into our body. It targets the deepest tissues of the
body, our connective tissues — ligaments, joints, bones, and the
deep fascia networks of the body — rather than the muscles.
ï‚· Yin yoga teaches us about ‘our unique’ anatomy. Why does the pose feel
different on this side? Why do I feel stuck?-this could be due to your bones
rather than ‘tight muscles or tendons’.
ï‚· This workshop is suitable for beginners to advanced yogis.
TIME: 2pm to 4.30pm
WHERE: Tauranga Yoga Centre -173 Elizabeth St West
COST: $25
Any questions or inquiries please call Sue on 0223503891
Please register by emailing Sue at: fureys@kinect.co.nz . You can pay on the
day or online to Acc. No 38 9004 0840024-00


Hatha Yoga  refers to a series of physical asanas (or postures), combined with breath, designed to align your skin, muscles, and bones and to open the  main channels of the body.

Hatha can also be translated as - ha meaning “sun” & "tha"  meaning “moon.” This refers to the balance of masculine (Yang) aspects—active, hot, sun—and feminine (Yin) aspects—receptive, cool, moon—within all of us. It is a path toward creating balance and uniting opposites ie. Yin and Yang. 

A Yin workshop is designed to help you to find, explore & sit in the quiet, cool depth of each asana (tha) -not to force or strive -but to learn to be, and use the breath alone to release the deep connective tissue layers within your body. This leads to a very deep meditative practice helping to calm the mind and can help to unlock some of the areas in the body/mind that feel ''stuck".

Please see the attached flier .

yin yoga workshop2.7.16 (3).pdf

Pragyadhara's 'Home Practice Intensive'- is on this Saturday 25/6/16. 11-3pm

Posted 8 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Join Pragyadhara on 25/6/16 for a

Winter Home Practice Intensive


@TYC 173 Elizabeth st West

Cost $45.

See flier for more information

• For payment and registration: pragyadhara@gmail.com






home practice intensive - Tauranga.pdf

A members black Yoga Mat has gone walkabout!!

Posted 8 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Missing from TYC between Mon & Wed evening- is a members new black mat.

It's known as the 'mat'. It was in the kitchen area on the top shelf above the fridge. If you borrowed this mat and fogot to return it, can you please return it ASAP.

Our mats are a 'sacred space' for our personal practice -so please respect this and do not help yourself to someone else's mat. The mats in the kitchen area belong to individual members and are not for 'borrowing.'

If you attend a class and forget your mat or you do not own one, please ask the Teacher for a hire mat to use for the class. 

Thanks very mcuh 



TYC Committee and Executive Council voted in at the AGM on Friday 1st April

Posted 8 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

The AGM  was well attended and the elected committee members are:


Chair -Curly West

Treasurer- Louise Thompson

Secretary- Brigid Macalister  

Committee members:-

Autumn Falk 

Sue Shoemack

Doig Doig

Pic Robertshawe

Bronwyn Abbott

Lesley Macalister (teacehr rep)

The Executive Council was reinstated and the 3 members are:

Marilyn Waddiocr

Lyn Bernard

Craig Tuck 

If you would like a copy of the minutes please email: info@taurangayoga.org.nz



TYC committee
