Friday's 5.30 pm Ashtanga Yoga class will now be a beginners led class

Posted 9 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

Ashtanga Yoga – Mysore Style

Fridays 5.30-7pm


Friday night Ashtanga Yoga Mysore class will be run as a beginners Ashtanga led class from 5.30-7pm for term one and term two, 2015.  This is an incentive to encourage more practitioners of yoga to learn the Ashtanga Yoga sequence, and to support them into the Mysore style class developing a self-practice. Mysore style classes are an opportunity for students to learn the practice in its traditional format, with personal guidance and adjustments from the teacher.

Ashtanga Yoga is a dynamic, structured, and ancient approach to the practice of yoga, that detoxifies the body and realigns the spine, developing strength, stamina and flexibility.  The practice focuses on the breath to encourage connection to the flowing into and out of asana. Classes are taught in two different ways; Mysore style and led class.  

In the Mysore class, new students are instructed individually, and taught small amounts of a sequence of poses that increase each day according to the capacity of the student. When practiced in a consistent manner, this method of yoga will strengthen, purify and align the body, steady the nervous system through even breathing,  and give equilibrium to the mind. When the initial poses of the sequence have been committed to memory – which does not take very long –  new postures are introduced, adding to the sequence when the student is ready. The teacher is present to give help in the poses as needed, and to answer questions that may arise. Mysore style is a simple, effective and ancient method of learning yoga.

The led class is the more typical style yoga class that is offered in the West, where the teacher instructs the group together, leading the class through the 48 postures of the Ashtanga yoga primary series.



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