If you wish to pay your Term 3 fee via the TYC website -please read this message

Posted 9 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

You can purchase a Term fee via the TYC website. This way you will receive a receipt number-which is the receipt number you enter into the membership /daily class sheets at TYC .

Once you have been allocated this 3 x digit number -you can pay via online banking-as follows

Pay to: Tga Yoga acc: 38 9004 0616591 00.

Ref:   term fee/s and please include the 3 digit number you were issued .

You can purchase more then one term (you will only get one number -if you do and will need to retain this number for the next term/s)

Once you have paid -either print off the completed payment transaction and take it to TYC when you next attend; Or -you can show the completed  transaction on your smartphone. 

Please then  -enter the 3 x digit number into the daily class sheets and remember to also put this number and your other personal details into the Term membership register (on the kitchen bench) -you only do this ONCE per term. If you have previously entered your email address -there is no need to do this again.

If you do not wish to pay via the website -but still wish to pay online.

Use the bank account number above and print off or show the transaction to the Teacher when you attend next class.

They will then issue you with your receipt and this number is the one you will enter into the daily class sheets and term register 



Thanks very much

TYC committee


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