To compliment your 'hatha yoga' asana practice, Sue Furey will be running a workshop exploring using a 'Yin' appraoch to performing some asana (poses). These poses are very suitable for 'beginners' and/or those nursing a 'sore back'.
What is Yin Yoga ? Why do it? is it for me?
The 'Yin' approach views the relatively stiff connective tissues (tendons, ligaments, fascia) as 'yin',ie more stable, immobile, feminine, passive, cold; while the more mobile and pliable muscles and blood are 'yang'. changing, mobile, masculine, active, hot, and upward moving.
This workshop aims to assist you to find balance ie 'Yin/Yang' for mind and body in your practice.
See the attached flier -you can pay on the day.