“The Yoga of Life" If you are interested in attending this talk PLEASE REGISTER NOW -or it may be cancelled

Posted 8 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

A Discourse on Ayurveda “The Yoga of Life” A talk by traditional teacher and guide Vaidyar Mani from Singapore

Sunday 27 September 2015: 2:00pm - 4:30pm (talk) to be held at Tauranga Yoga Centre 173 Elizabeth St, West Tauranga 

Monday 28 September 2015:  7am - 11am (individual appointments) Tuesday 29 September 2015: 7am - 11am (individual appointments) - these will be held at Arataki Community Centre 


Please see the attached flier for ALL information, including how to  register &  the  cost of the talk and consultations:


2015 Sept Talk at Tauranga (1).pdf

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