Curly's Extra Class 18 august - CANCELLED

Posted 12 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

Hi all,

Please note that Curly's extra Saturday class scheduled for 18 August 2012 is cancelled.

The next extra class with Curly is Saturday 15 September.

Kind regards,

Tauranga Yoga Centre

A Change to Friday's 1pm Ashtanga Class

Posted 12 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

Friday's 1pm Ashtanga Class is changing to a Flow (Vinyasa) Yoga Class

What is Flow or Vinyasa Yoga?

This style is sometimes also called flow yoga, because of the smooth way that the poses run together and become like a dance. The breath becomes an important component because the teacher will instruct you to move from one pose to the next on an inhale or an exhale. Vinyasa is literally translated from Sanskrit as meaning "connection," –so poses are connected to one another and with the breath.

This is a great way to learn sequences or flows, to assist you with your home practice and flow/vinyasa yoga is great for those wanting to build stamina and endurance whilst also getting stretched and learning to relax.

This class will be most suited to those who have some knowledge of Yoga asana but beginners are welcome to try it.



Kirtan - This Friday - 27 July

Posted 12 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

Hi all,

This month's Kirtan evening is tomorrow, Friday the 27th of July at the Tauranga Yoga Centre.

Running the usual time from 7pm to 8:30pm with gold coin donation.

Come and join us for a fun and heart-warming evening of music and chanting.

Best regards,

Tauranga Yoga Centre

Curly's extra class - this Saturday 14 July

Posted 12 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

Hi all,

Curly's monthly class, which is open to all students wanting to increase the depth of their understanding of yoga asana in their class and/or home practice, is this Saturday the 14th of July.

Other class dates to end of term 3:

August 18th

Sept 15th

Investment is $20 per class

The class will run from 3pm to 5pm.

Best regards,

Tauranga Yoga Centre

Kirtan - This Friday - 29 June

Posted 12 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Hi all,

This month's Kirtan evening is tomorrow, Friday the 29th of June at the Tauranga Yoga Centre.

Running the usual time from 7pm to 8:30pm with gold coin donation.

Come and join us for a fun and heart-warming evening of music and chanting.

Best regards,

Tauranga Yoga Centre

108 Sunsalutations - Winter Solstice Meditation

Posted 12 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

108 Sunsalutations

 a Winter solstice moving meditation

June 24th

 With Jaap Spaans


Day: Sunday, June 24th

Time: 10am-noon

Venue: Tauranga Yoga Centre

Cost: $10.00 per person



Preparation and Safety

108 Salutes

Restorative poses



Please book with Jaap for this special event.

543-4430  or           

Yoga - Extra monthly class with Curly

Posted 12 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Hi all,

Curly will lead a class which is open to all students wanting to increase the depth of their understanding of yoga asana in their class and/or home practice.

Class dates to end of term 3:

June 16th

July 14th

August 18th

Sept 15th

Investment is $20 per class

The class will run from 3pm to 5pm starting this Saturday 16 June.

Best regards,

Tauranga Yoga Centre

Curly indepth practice.pdf

Kirtan Evening - This Friday 25 May

Posted 12 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Hi all,

This month's Kirtan evening is this Friday, the 25th of May at the Tauranga Yoga Centre.

Running the usual time from 7pm to 8:30pm with gold coin donation.

Come and join us for a fun and heart-warming evening of music and chanting.

Best regards,

Tauranga Yoga Centre
