The Tauranga Moana Nightshelter will be open for Guests from 4pm on 9 September

Posted 10 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

To All Members of TYC

The Tauranga Moana Nightshelter will be welcoming Guests from the  community and referal agencies from -Tuesday 9 September .

There will be an 'Open Afternoon' on 8 September from 2-4pm if you wish to drop in and meet the staff team.

Attached is a copy of the Trusts- Vision, and operational procedures including the opening hours, for your information.

The facility can accommodate 20 guests, 7 days per week.

Opening hours for guests to register are: in winter- 4-8pm and in summer- 4-9pm

There will be house Managers and/or supervisors on site at all times.

There will also be security patrols operating in this area and there is a plan to install floodlights in the street.

Any questions or concerns please call

TMNT Manager, Annamarie Angus--  579 5333


TYC Operations Manager, Sue - 022 350 3891  



TMNT guidelines September 2014.pdf

TYC's T'shirts & singlets for sale .Please see the correction to dates for sale days.

Posted 10 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Sorry -for incorrect info; please see below for the correction;  

The days and times are :

Saturday Septmeber 6th @ 12.30pm -1.30pm

Monday  September  8th @  4.45pm- 5.15pm

Tuesday  September 9th @  2.30 -3.30pm


Be in quick for these unique T'shirts & singlets -All $35 (no eftpos available) cash or cheque only please



Thanks very much





Bolsters for sale at TYC-beautiful bright colours and patterns

Posted 10 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

The new bolsters have arrived at TYC. These beautifully made bolsters are great at to have for your home practise or just to sit or rest on .  

There is a selection of colours and patterns.

Cost is $85 each incl GST

Please ask your teacher should you wish to purchase one 

Thanks very much




Saturday 7.30 Rostered class

Posted 10 years, 4 months ago    0 comments


Please note- that when Tania is scheduled to teach the Saturday  7.30am rostered class -she will be teaching this as an Astanga class


Thanks very much


TYC committee


BKS Iyengar died today aged 96. Farewell Guruji

Posted 10 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

one of Yogas finest teachers Mr Iyengar taught what he called  an 'art and a science' for more than 8 decades. He taught in more than 70 countries across the world and his books have been translated in 13 languages

Iyengar continued to practice into his old age and he could still do sirsasana (headstand) until last year, for half an hour a day. He said 'practice is my feast'.

Rest in peace and thank you for all you have given us.

In his own words 'I always tell people -live happily and die majestically'   

Beginner Workshop Series: This 6 x week series starts 16 August

Posted 10 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

Curly West will be teaching this 6 week series  at Tauranga Yoga Centre.

Where: 173 Elizabeth St west

When: --Series begins Saturday 16/8/2014

Time:     11am to 12.30 pm

Cost:      $50 for the 6 weeks or $12 per class. (To gain maximum benefit from this introduction to yoga, students are encouraged  to attend all sessions)

  • Bring a yoga mat if you have one (TYC hires them for $1 & also  sells them)
  • wear roomy comfortable clothing 
  • Please arrive at class before it starts

To register email and provide your name & contact details  or phone  Sue on 0223503891

  • Prepayment is appreciated. Pay to --a/c 38 9004 0616591 00 -ref Curly beg $50
  • Fees can also be paid on the day with cash or cheque (No Eftpos)

NB: This series is not included in the $70 term fee .

For more information please read the attached flier






beg workshop b&w 4 printing final july29.pdf

' Exploring Standing Poses'; for Beginners -9 August;11-1.30. Register today

Posted 10 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

Standing Poses build the body's strength, balance and flexibiliy. They stretch and tone the muscles of the body and assist us to lengthen and tone the breath by working all the core mucscle groups.

Standing poses assist us to increase flexibility and strength in the legs, lengthen the hamstrings and they also assist us to open the hips.

This workshop is suitable for absolute beginners or those who want to deepen their practice and understanding of standing poses

Saturday 9 August at TYC -173 Elizabeth St West

11am to 1.30pm -including 30 minutes of Yoga nidra/relaxation

Cost : $25 per person

To register contact Sue on or 0211719351 or

Brigid on 07 543 4034


br & sue begw.shp9.8.14.pdf

TYC Rafflle winners -Drawn 21/7/14

Posted 10 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

The Raffle was drawn at the TYC Committee meeting on Monday night 21/7/14.

The winners are as follows:

1st prize;  Bolster /belt/eye pillow

Winner : Paula T


2nd prize: 1hour shiatsu with Autumn Falk

Winner : Amannda R  


3rd prize :1hour yoga lesson with Karen Johnson

Winner : Fran

Thanks very much to all those who purchased tickets and/or gave a donation in the spirit of assisting TYC Inc to get some lovely new curtains. 

Thanks to the 'curtain subcommittee',  who have done a great job in selecting the fabric etc and the new curtains/blinds have been ordered and  will be up in a few weeks.

Thanks very much also, to those who contributed to the raffle  and thanks to Meriel for co-ordinating it .

TYC committee
