Want some Yoga Props? TYC 'props' raffle begins this week. Bring your spare change along!

Posted 7 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

TYC committee have agreed on the proceeds of this years raffle going to our neighbours -the Tauranga Moana Nightshelter. 

The Raffle will consist of yoga props to assist you with your home practice.

Cost of tickets= $2 each or 3 for $5.

As well as the proceeds of the raffle going to the Nightshelter, committee want to give a box of non- perishable foodstuffs. So if you can spare it, please bring along a non perishable food item or two to add.

Since 2014 the Nighshelter has given food, shelter and care to 335 men. They have assited 40 men per year into other housing after their initial stay .The age range of the men is 18-70.

As well as the basic necessities of life and a place to call 'home' where folk believe in them-the staff at the shelter give the men love and encouragement.  In this 'safe' environment many of the men then feel they are able to embrace change, take up offers of helping agencies and move on into new accomodation. Since 2014 the Nighthelter staff have assisted 40 men per year into other housing . This task  however is getting more challenging with the ever increasing cost of rentals and shortage of social housing. There are currenly 6 men in desperate need of housing.  

Thank you TYC Committee



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