The date for the TYC AGM is : Tuesday 23 June 7.15pm @ TYC

Posted 9 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Thanks very much to all the members and teachers who attended the Special General Meeting on 22 May.

There was a record turnout and all the constitutional changes were approved. Wonderful to see so many come along. 

This new version of the TYC Constitution has been sent to the Registrar of Incorporated Societies for approval and filing.)

The next step in the proccess is to have our Annual General Meeting  and the date for this is:

Tuesday 23 June @ 7.15pm.  

Again, we encourage as many members as possible to attend. Would you like to serve on the TYC committee?

Light refreshments will be served:  

(The 7.15pm yoga class is cancelled on this date)



TYC Committee



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