TYC Clean Up 10 September 10.45am. Before this date-please take your mat home.

Posted 8 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

On 10 September committee members will be having a bit of a sort out and clean-up at TYC. The intention is to have a good sort out of props and 'stuff'; to create more storage and more order.

So please make sure you take your yoga mat home. There are a lot of mats stored up above the fridge in the kitchen & some in the ladies & mens. If one of these is yours please -keep it in the car..get a carry bag for the bike or take it home! Committee can not be responsible for your yoga mat .

We need this space for TYC storage .

The number of yoga mats for hire wll also be decreased -so please do not rely on these being available as they were before-if you forget your mat.

Thanks very much


TYC committee 

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