Missing Library Books

Posted 15 years ago    0 comments

Hello Everybody

The following books have gone missing from our Library.

PLease check if you have any of these books and return them to the centre this week.


* Light on Yoga :  BKS Iyengar

* Relax and Renew

* Relax and Renew

* Yoga the Spirit and Practice of Moving into Stillness

* The Ayurvedic Cookbook

* Yoga over 50

* Yoga Mind Body and Spirit - Donna Farhi

* Yoga Mind Body and Spirit - Donna Farhi

* Yoga Mind Body and Spirit - Donna Farhi

* The Book of Yoga

*  The Ending of Time

*  Yoga the Iyengar Way

*  The Book of Yoga

*  The Art of Yoga - BKS Iyengar

*  Iyengar International Womens instensive Notes

*  The Breathing Book - Donna Farhi

*  Yoga - Cherl Isaacson

*  The Essential Meditation Guide - David Mcrae and Dean    Frenkel

* Ageless Body, Timeless Mind.



TYC Committee


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